The globe trotting cartoon cat who, with the help of his owner (and creator) Heather, tells the story of his worldy adventures in his very own blog!
*Whew*! We mancats feel a little hot under the fur now! Wowza!
Thought it was my 'sister' there for a second. We do look a little alike, don't you think?
That's a lotta floof!!
Mom offer to be a volunteer to do smoochie to your tummy : )xoxo
That's a very floofy belly! Such a sweet face too!
I think I have floof envy!
Beautiful!We was wondering ... do you think you might ever adopt another fur-baby? Then Fluffy could have a sibling to love.
What beautifuly floofs and look at that tummy begging to be rubbed.Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Wow, and what a great fuzzy tummy it is! It needing some tickles!
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*Whew*! We mancats feel a little hot under the fur now! Wowza!
Thought it was my 'sister' there for a second. We do look a little alike, don't you think?
That's a lotta floof!!
Mom offer to be a volunteer to do smoochie to your tummy : )
That's a very floofy belly! Such a sweet face too!
I think I have floof envy!
We was wondering ... do you think you might ever adopt another fur-baby? Then Fluffy could have a sibling to love.
What beautifuly floofs and look at that tummy begging to be rubbed.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Wow, and what a great fuzzy tummy it is! It needing some tickles!
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